Thursday, December 24, 2009

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Africa 2010

Beyond the Borders 2010

Beyond the Borders...soon I will be leaving for Johannesburg, South Africa to begin my internship. From January 12th thru April 25th I will be gaining cross-cultural and social skills needed to be a missionary.

For almost four months I will be living in atleast two different cultures--very different from here in the United States. I will be in J-Burg for five weeks, from there I will travel to Bangladesh to work with missionaries for four more weeks. Then it's back to J-Burg and some other surrounding areas for additional ministry and cultural experiences.

For about fifteen weeks I'll be experiencing: ministry among Hindus in Durbin, South Africa; traditional African culture in Zululand; visiting an AIDS clinic; living the missionary lifestyle in Bangladesh for four weeks; minstry in the nation of Mozambique; and Yes! a real African Safari tour.

I am excited about this opportunity to go to South Africa and Bangladesh to participate in this program and gain some practical skills and training for becoming a missionary. While I do not know that I will be a full-time missionary in the future, I do know that the spiritual training and challenge of living cross-culturally for several months will continue to deepen my relationship with God, as I continue to seek His will for my life.

I'll be posting updates over the next few weeks as I prepare to leave for South Africa, and then when I arrive I will be posting pictures and sharing my experiences on here.