Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bangladesh – I have arrived

I’m here in Bangladesh. I’ll be here for the next two weeks. Then it will be on to India for about two more weeks. We arrived on Wednesday afternoon. After about 25 hours or so of total travel time with layovers and all we finally got here and I was exhausted. We went to the Bible school for a brief visit and lunch. That was it for me, I was done. We got to the apartment that we are staying in and I slept until dinner time.

Thursday we drove out to the Primary School that is run by Dr. Vijay Balla. It was a ‘sports day’ for the children. We set outside in the hot sun for about three hours watching the kids run and throw a ball and jump rope and other activities. To be honest I was a bit bored just sitting there. I wore a Punjabi today; it is the traditional dress of the Bangladesh women. I felt like I was wearing my pajamas. We had lunch at the school—curry and rice and boiled vegetables. I’m getting use to the curry—good thing since they eat it with every meal.

This evening we went to a small restaurant with Vijay and Aparanjani. We rode there on a rickshaw (a three-wheeled bicycle with a seat on the back). I rode on one when I was in China, but there are more here and less people have their own bicycles. We drove in the car on the way to the school. I have never seen traffic patterns like here before. If you can even call them traffic patterns, people pretty much do whatever they want driving, walking, or on bicycles. I think the only rule is don’t get killed and don’t kill someone else. We saw a bus that was knocked off the side of the road and almost laying on its side going down a steep embankment.

Oh, back to the rickshaw, on the way back Jackie and I were in a rickshaw and Vijay and Aparanjani were in one in front of us. Our driver lost them and went the wrong way. We didn’t have any idea where he was going, and he didn’t speak English, so we couldn’t really communicate with him. Thankfully, I had put my IPhone in my purse and although I can’t use it here, I had the address of our apartment and was able to look it up. The streets are numbered which is another blessing because we were able to just find our street number and get to where we needed to go. A bit of excitement for one night, it was difficult too because it is so dark out there I wasn’t sure where I was.

That is the latest from Bangladesh. We are going to an International Church tomorrow evening. The day of worship here is on Friday’s. Saturday we are going shopping! I’m reading a good book by Henri Nouwen With Open Hands. I’m almost finished it, that is my recommended book for the week.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I can't figure out this post stuff. I posted a comment but can't locate it. lol Quit laughing, I am trying. If you locate it then you will know what I said. Either way, I sure hope you are having a wonderful time, it sure sounds like it. You know I can relate to the motion sickness and sleeping on the flights. Keep me posted on your adventures and the traveling troll mans adventures too. Take care Chrystal Columbus. lol
    Mom XOXOXO


Africa 2010

Beyond the Borders 2010

Beyond the Borders...soon I will be leaving for Johannesburg, South Africa to begin my internship. From January 12th thru April 25th I will be gaining cross-cultural and social skills needed to be a missionary.

For almost four months I will be living in atleast two different cultures--very different from here in the United States. I will be in J-Burg for five weeks, from there I will travel to Bangladesh to work with missionaries for four more weeks. Then it's back to J-Burg and some other surrounding areas for additional ministry and cultural experiences.

For about fifteen weeks I'll be experiencing: ministry among Hindus in Durbin, South Africa; traditional African culture in Zululand; visiting an AIDS clinic; living the missionary lifestyle in Bangladesh for four weeks; minstry in the nation of Mozambique; and Yes! a real African Safari tour.

I am excited about this opportunity to go to South Africa and Bangladesh to participate in this program and gain some practical skills and training for becoming a missionary. While I do not know that I will be a full-time missionary in the future, I do know that the spiritual training and challenge of living cross-culturally for several months will continue to deepen my relationship with God, as I continue to seek His will for my life.

I'll be posting updates over the next few weeks as I prepare to leave for South Africa, and then when I arrive I will be posting pictures and sharing my experiences on here.